Why hire Michael and his people? Here's the backstory:

horse farm, organic lawncare, greener earth

Have you heard about or visited "The Bluegrass", the heart of the Kentucky horse country?

It’s not Michael’s birthplace, but Lexington, Kentucky, WAS his home during the 1980s -1990s (& birthplace to his two children). Lexington has lush, green, legendary horse farms, many with horses owned by notables such as Queen Elizabeth.

Kentucky Extension Service.

In Kentucky Michael learned & practiced organic-based lawncare for years. His Kentucky service team built up a clientele of 2,300 lawncare clients & a small truck fleet to service them. Michael worked with local recognized & university- affiliated experts with Masters degrees (& he later earned a Masters in 2010). The newspaper feature you see here is an example of a public information effort when he teamed up with horticulture programs.  

A couple of horse farms that subscribed to Mike’s service were highly concerned that he lean organic as much as possible. They were concerned about bad effects if their horses (including racehorse champions) ate pesticide-treated grass.

organic lawn care, landscape design, grand rapids


Homeowners too… Many neighborhood clients were also concerned about pesticides down there in that legendary racehorse region. His Kentucky business name, Barefoot Grass, represented what he’s always represented — a safer alternative to business-as-usual lawncare choices loaded with pesticides. (Did you know that common “weed & feed” products are illegal for cosmetic home-lawn treatments in Canada’s provinces of Ontario & Quebec?)

Michael has served western Michigan since 1994, first in his Barefoot Grass franchise (B.G. chain acquired by ServiceMaster in 1997). Later Michael established Greener Earth for lawncare & expanded into landscape design & planting. Landscape plants were his passion since youth & he studied landscape design & ornamental plants at the state university. Michael remains true to the organic-based philosophy that’s healthiest.




Michael’s Hobbies:

Reading & exercise. Botanical gardens & arboretums coast to coast. Church musician (since high school). Grandkids. Rescue dogs. 

Why not subscribe now to Greener Earth?

Because it’s Michael’s service business . . . built on experience since the 1970s.
“Each customer is important. Each concern is important. Special requests are important. Just ask.” But there’s more…

  • Service excellence with high ratings (www. bbb.org).
  • Get Peace of Mind with your “barefoot-friendly” lawn.
  • Gain a trusted “greenskeeper-friend & “landscape advisor”. Put our deep experience to work for you.